Providing Good Content For Social Media And Webpages
Online content is a key component to grabbing customers attention and bringing them to your front door. This is true for all businesses especially small businesses on a budget. Clean, crisp images and video are key elements of good content as well. If you can shoot and edit these yourself great. If not hire a photographer and let them know you plan to use these images over and over again for a long time to come. Make sure you have all the rights to use your images. Pictures are important content but don’t get me wrong, creative writing and delivery of your message is also a big factor. This can take a little effort but the return will be stirring up interest in your business and bringing customers to your location. Educate your followers/readers about your business, products, services or other things relating to what you do. You know more about what your customers want than anyone. Think about this: What are the questions you answer over and over again? What do your customers want to know about? Are there related tidbits of information you can pass on to boost the customer’s experience? All of these are topics you can deliver with good content via websites, blogs and Social Media.
Events can be a great opportunity to gather excellent content and help customers see what they are missing out on. Have someone assigned to catch a few great images that tell the story of your event. Catch a little video of key activities, people, products, presentations, etc, that capture interest. These can be very brief. These can be published online over several days or even weeks to hold interest and build anticipation for the next event. The images included with this blog are from a recent event for a client.
Post these to your blog and webpages but make sure to add captions, descriptions, tags and titles before you upload. Make sure everything leads back to your business. Link these into your Social Media pages like Google Business Profile, Face Book, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter to name a few.
Don’t overlook Google Maps. This can be huge for leading customers back to your business online. By creating a Google Business Profile page for your business and posting to this page you are boosting your online presence on the biggest mapping system and search engine anywhere. This is huge for customers searching for local goods and services. As you connect and build your presence the results can be amazing. Some businesses see 90% to 98% of their online customers coming through Google in one way or another.
Bringing good content to your customers can have many great benefits that move your business forward. You can establish yourself or company as an authority in your particular line of work. Today social media is allowing an interchange and online relationship between merchants and their client base. This is word-of-mouth-marketing at it’s best in ways I can’t begin to talk about in this brief article.
The bottom line is create good, beneficial and usable content for you customers. Build relationships. Establish yourself as a local authority in your line of work. Keep bringing good content and people/clients/patients/customers will certainly pay attention. These types of relationships will insure your businesses viability in the future.