Hwy 66 Choppers Is On The Maps!
Not every small business is on Main Street, USA. In fact most of the best shops and businesses take a little effort to find. If you are a shop keeper, a little off the beaten path, how do you help customers find you? Google Maps and Google Searches are the tools used every day by the majority of consumers. Phones and pads have become the new tools to find something fast online. These Google tools are why these phones and pads work so good. The tools are free, for the most part, but you do have to PLUG-IN!
Hwy 66 Choppers in Montclair, CA is the perfect example of a small business that wanted to help customers find their way a little more effectively. This is a very cool shop, by the way! While Hwy 66 Choppers is located on Arrow Hwy in Montclair, CA, they are is an little industrial park that limits their visibility from the Hwy. We worked with Mike to get a Google+ Local page setup and get the business dialed into Google Maps at the same time. We moved the Google Maps marker to point right at the business.
Google Business Profiles is a tool small businesses can use for free. It does take a little time and effort but it is worth it. There is a new program out now called “Get Our City on the Map”
We also added a Google Maps Business View Tour and several images that are pointed at branding the business online. All of this material is designed to raise online visibility and direct prospective clients to the front door. GBV Tour and pictures does have a one time labor charge associated with it. We went to the Hwy 66 Choppers location in Montclair and photographed the shop. Then we installed all of this material on to the Google Maps system. The end results make Hwy 66 Choppers much more visible on the Google Mapping system and Search Engines.
As Mike continues to use these pages they will continue to draw customers old and new to Hwy 66 Choppers for years to come. Interesting too, that the more you use them the more powerful and influential they become. As customers give reviews and utilize these tools they seem to gain momentum over time.
Can we help get your business online? Just click here and tell us a little about your business and how we can help?
Below is the contact information and details for Hwy 66 Choppers as well as their Google Tour. Use your cursor to walk through the shop online 24/7. Enjoy!!
Hwy 66 Choppers, 4711 E Arrow Hwy # D Montclair, CA 91763 (909) 626-1632 hwy66choppers.com