GMSVT and Interior Design Shops
Google Business Profiles and Google Maps are the free tools that control the vast majority of clients coming to you online. These tools are benefiting Interior Designers and various retailers by helping them work with their customers to find the products they need. How so? An Interior Designer can now set in a clients living room an visit various locations to gather ideas, consider sample “looks” and in some cases even make purchases. With Google Maps Street View Trusted tours, the viewer is in control! As you walk through the shop you can zoom in to see details, pan from side to side a full 360 degrees as well as up and down. Here’s a sample tour below. Expand and enjoy!
Now, on your Google Business Profile, you can add products and services as well. Clients can contact you directly or via messaging to make a purchase. This is a no cost very efficient way to connect with customers. Are you plugged in yet?
Many Designers and their customers are using and benefiting from this useful tool. Reach out to us if you need help!